Technology shifts are disruptors; they change the way we work, 沟通, 开展业务, 甚至学习和教学. 从打字机到电脑, 计算机到互联网, 互联网到云, 从云到移动, each jump has had a transformative effect on our society, 业务, 个人的生活方式. 随着人工智能(AI)在生活的许多方面成为越来越普遍的力量——这是一系列创新阶段中的下一个技术转变——它对教学和学习方法的影响已经成为全国校园讨论的焦点. The conversation around 太ls like ChatGPT, 必应, 吟游诗人, and others is bubbling up at Head-Royce, 太, raising concerns and illuminating opportunities.
4001百老汇会员登录和家长联系, 学生, 以及使用人工智能完成各种任务(从小到大)的专业社区成员,听取他们的故事和担忧. Folks are experimenting with it; kicking its tires. 以下是4001百老汇会员登录了解到的情况, 还有什么问题挥之不去, 包括人工智能是否是一种生产力工具,或者滥用人工智能是否会取代学习的目的? 如果4001百老汇会员登录使用它,4001百老汇会员登录如何继续支持学生批判性思维技能的发展? How do we ensure that it is used fairly and doesn’t widen inequities?
Dr. 詹妮弗·“珍”·布莱克曼她是一位神经生物学和荣誉生物学教师,可以说,她已经涉足了人工智能领域. 作为一个高级游泳队——海牛水上高手——的新任董事会主席,她每月都会给成员们写一封问候信, a task she dislikes with a singular intensity. She used ChatGPT to craft her first message which she then peppered with her own voice. Positive feedback flowed in from the swim community, adding to her inner conflict about the experience. 一方面, 她说, “哦天哪, it was so good compared to what I could have written and it saved me so much time!” Yet even as she felt appreciation for her AI p艺术ner, 她也表达了失望, “I’m avoiding developing this skill which I am going to have to employ for the next two years!“在学校里, 她让学生们将自己的科学论文摘要与ChatGPT的论文摘要进行比较,以准备他们的模拟拨款提案——他们在神经生物学的期末项目——一项磨练议论文写作技巧的研究生水平的作业. Students found that while ChatGPT is good at churning through research, helping them get a sense of the state of current research in a short amount of time, it often missed or misrepresented important p艺术s of those prior studies. 她指出,
“4001百老汇会员登录使用人工智能真的很重要……4001百老汇会员登录必须教会学生如何很好地使用它,以及如何以及何时不要使用它。. I want 学生 to know that ChatGPT might be faster than they are, but it is not a better thinker than they are. “更重要的是,她继续说道, "写作 is important for 学生 to further develop their own 思考 skills.她认为人工智能将继续存在,教师必须做好准备——她希望这意味着有时间进行专业发展和与同事合作.
“Adobe Creative Cloud的最新版本引入了生成式人工智能工具,我已经开始教我的摄影学生,” 哈利穆尼斯,摄影教师. 他解释说,他和他的学生们讨论了在创作过程中使用人工智能的含义,以及由此引发的伦理问题——比如在人工智能时代,“作者身份”意味着什么? 到目前为止, 他指出, “使用这项技术的学生以创造性和深思熟虑的方式扩展了摄影的视觉可能性,“然而, 他警告说, “there are still many unanswered questions that this technology raises.”
托马斯Kuoh, 在校生的家长, also uses Photoshop’s new generative AI for his professional photography 业务. “It helps us brainstorm, research, write, and iterate ideas quickly.“它还通过自动化流程来帮助改善和加快工作流程,否则这些流程需要花费很长时间才能解决. 最后, 他说, “它仍然只是一个工具, and the results depend on the skill and taste of the user.”
通过调查, we learned that 学生 have used AI to summarize reports, write essays as p艺术 of an assignment, 进行研究, look up definitions of technical language, and to form ideas for speech competitions such as those used in debates. 一名学生分享说,他们的高中历史老师布置了一项任务,让他们用ChatGPT写一篇文章,并给出基于证据的提示, 报价, 以及其他原始材料. Students were graded on the quality of evidence used in the prompt. “I personally wasn’t a huge fan of this assignment, 因为我喜欢能够控制自己写的东西,而不是盲目地交东西, 尽管那是任务. 我对人工智能的感觉很复杂, I don’t really love that teachers are telling us to use it, 但它确实有它的好处!一位高年级学生分享道.
4001百老汇会员登录生目前正在使用由CK12出版的科学课程,该课程在在线教科书中内置了一个人工智能导师. ‘Flexi’ the tutor is interesting in that it can create analogous examples of explanations, 为每个学生构建更相关的信息框架——这是人工智能承诺带来的个性化的先驱. 虽然现在说Flexi是否或如何影响七年级和八年级科学课的学习还为时过早, 4001百老汇会员登录当然渴望听到更多.
“人工智能是什么的核心支柱 贾斯汀艾拉妮丝他一生都是企业家,现在是两名海德罗伊斯学生的父母,他的一生都在工作.“他的冒险,故事.Co, 是他和他哥哥一起开始的吗, 他所说的是“连接创造者经济的下一代娱乐平台”吗.根据ChatGPT 3.5, 创造者经济是指随着数字平台和技术的兴起而出现的经济体系, 使个人能够创造, 分发, 并将自己的内容货币化.“在创造者经济中, 个人, 通常被称为“创造者”," leverage online platforms to share a wide range of content, 包括视频, 文章, 播客, 艺术, 和更多的. Justin explains that making a Hollywood movie is an incredibly expensive venture. 制作和分发多媒体产品的过程涉及许多具有高度专业技能的人,包括配音, 计算机生成图像, 实景视频, 播客, 和插图. “Think about apps like TikTok,” he suggests. “These are creative engines for everyone to be—where anyone can be—a creator. 像这样的工具正在全球范围内获得动力,并降低了成为创作者的障碍——向更多的观众讲述你的故事.“人工智能可以用更少的人创建具有所有相同元素的多媒体内容. “AI is getting good at all these things,” he assures. What once required a cast of thousands, now can be made with only a few people.
“人仍然需要掌舵——人的元素需要引导故事的方向和精神,贾斯汀强调. When asked how he feels about AI and education, he is confident that “学生 will absolutely learn how to be critical thinkers with AI, 事实上, AI can help a student become a more critical thinker.” He believes 学生 will need to know how to harness AI for the future, “孩子们仍然需要, 更甚于以往, to build strong foundational skills of reading, 写作, 思考, 和口语. 如果他们能掌握这些技能, 那么就有机会更有力地利用人工智能来改进和建立他们的工作, 为AI提供更好的提示, and work more harmoniously with AI in the future. 但是要做到这一点, you need to understand the 太l’s strengths and shortfalls and be able to think critically."
乔尔·孙, Assistant Head of School for Policy and Strategic Initiatives, 使用人工智能来处理数据,他说这些数据需要花几周的时间来组织和处理. “So from an efficiency standpoint, I’ve found it very helpful,” he stresses. “在制度上, I think we’re taking a position of curiosity and intrigue, 不是恐惧或厌恶. 人工智能在学习中的应用, 教学, 学校的商业运作需要批判性的参与和哲学的训练——这两者都需要时间.” He acknowledges that AI won’t be implemented overnight, 但笔记, “4001百老汇会员登录在讨论如何, 当, and why we would use it and being thoughtful about our approach.”
Considering these accounts at the cusp of the next radical shift in technology, the impact on education is becoming increasingly pronounced. The narratives shared by our community members, 包括教育工作者, 父母, 和学生, 描绘了人工智能在教学领域的前景和挑战的复杂图景. Dr. 布雷克曼使用ChatGPT的经验凸显了效率的提高,但也提出了便利性与技能发展之间的平衡问题. 哈利穆尼斯 and 托马斯Kuoh offer insights from the perspective of the 艺术s, exploring the creative possibilities and ethical considerations of AI 太ls. 与此同时, our 学生 are already engaging with AI in various forms, from summarizing reports to utilizing AI-powered tutors, highlighting the early stages of integration in the educational landscape.
当4001百老汇会员登录在这个不断变化的空间中航行时, 有一点一直引起共鸣:在采用人工智能的同时,培养批判性思维技能也很重要, 确保学生不仅有效地使用这些工具,而且了解它们的细微差别和局限性. With AI poised to be a transformative force, 毫无疑问,在利用技术进步和保留不可或缺的人情味之间取得微妙的平衡,将塑造教育之旅.